Roundabout art nears installation in North Wenatchee


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Apr 10, 2023

Roundabout art nears installation in North Wenatchee

World staff writer Branches of a tree that will stand at the center of a new

World staff writer

Branches of a tree that will stand at the center of a new roundabout at Easy Street and Highway 2 in Sunnyslope are being worked on at the CJ Rench Design Studio in Hood River, Oregon on Thursday. The sculpture, called Valley of Fruition, is planned for installation later this month.

WENATCHEE — When the new roundabout opens at the intersection of Highway 2/97 and Easy Street next month, perhaps the most eye-catching aspect will be the nearly 30-foot tall statue at its center.

From any angle, and at any time of day, it's meant to offer a unique view.

"This is a truly 24-hour work of art," said designer CJ Rench. "During the day your eye will focus on the colorful leaves and shadows, while at night you will mainly see the stainless steel branches and leaves."

Artist CJ Rench stands by a stainless steel branch of acrylic leaves that will be used on the new Wenatchee roundabout sculpture he is building.

"Valley of Fruition," a 29-foot tall tree blooming with an array of 702 colorful leaves, will anchor the traffic project designed to decrease congestion and increase safety in the area.

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At its base, native pollinator and drought resistant plants will surround a series of blades that represent the nearby hydro dams that power the valley. Rather than a specific species, the tree is a broad homage to the importance of agriculture in the region.

"We didn't want to be specific," Rench said. "It's definitely an abstract tree."

A similar, albeit shorter, "Tree of seasons" is displayed at the center of a roundabout in Richland.

The new public art that will stand in the roundabout at Easy Street and Highway 2 includes many of these branches on a stainless steel tree. Artist CJ Rench says his sculpture will change its look depending on the lighting.

Designing art for a highly trafficked roadway provides a unique opportunity for a highly visible project, but the installation must strike a fine balance: it needs to be memorable and eye catching, while not serving as a hazard to drivers.

From a distance, motorists and passersby will see the full scope of the tree, it's leafs, and the project as a whole. But upon approach, eyes will be trained to the steel tree truck.

"Basically, we’ve taken any distracting elements and put them up high," Rench said.

The base of 30-foot tall "Valley of Fruition" sits outside the CJ Rench Design Studio at Hood River, Oregon on Thursday.

Since he was selected last year, Rench's vision has shifted from a symbolic totem pole to a fruit tree, though several elements like the bright colors and shrubbery at its base remain.

"Every angle of this tree is a little bit different," he said.

The statue will be installed toward the end of June, and will cost $200,000 for the art, installation and the utilities needed. The Easy Street roundabout is projected to open in July.

Mitchell Roland: (509) 661-5201

[email protected] or

on Twitter @roland_mitchell

World staff writer

Digital Editor. CWU grad.

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