American Eagle Foundation honors Challenger with new statue


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Mar 11, 2023

American Eagle Foundation honors Challenger with new statue

KODAK — A new statue of the nation’s most famous bald eagle will be the first

KODAK — A new statue of the nation's most famous bald eagle will be the first sight for visitors to the American Eagle Foundation's new educational campus.

The 18-foot metal sculpture of Challenger was made by metal sculptor Kevin Stone out of Canada, who also made the large eagle displayed outside the Wild Eagle roller coaster at Dollywood.

"Part of it is made to represent our partnership with them over the years, but more importantly it's a replica of Challenger," said Jessica Hall, executive director of American Eagle Foundation. "He has done so much for his species as an educational ambassador over 30 years. He's 34 this year and he has been flying in stadiums and meeting presidents. He was the bald eagle at the delisting of bald eagles off the endangered species list."

The foundation's new facility in Kodak is still under construction, but when open will be a publicly accessed education center, giving visitors an opportunity to learn about bald eagles and other birds of prey. The mission of the American Eagle Foundation is based on conservation, education and protection of birds of prey, and Challenger has helped them work toward those goals in his long career as an ambassador for his species.

"It's just a beautiful way to pay tribute to him and remind everyone that he did something no other bald eagle could ever do. He was the nation's most famous bald eagle ambassador," Hall said.

Challenger no longer does free-flight appearances though he does continue to take part in events. He was human imprinted at a young age and is not able to live on his own in the wild.

"Arguably, he is the nation's most famous bald eagle and we wanted to have something here that would commemorate him in perpetuity," Hall said. "The other cool thing about that statue is it sits in the middle of Eagle Honor Circle. That whole space where the statue sits in front of the flagpole area is dedicated to commemorative bricks. If you have a family member, loved one or friend who served, is still serving, or who gave the greatest sacrifice, you can commemorate them by purchasing a brick that will go under the wings of Challenger next to the American flag."

Those who are interested in purchasing a commemorative brick can find more information at Hall said the bricks are going fast, but many are still available.

"The donation goes to help care for our bald eagles and it's a beautiful way to commemorate someone's service and sacrifice," Hall said. "It will be right on prominent display at the front of our facility. As people come in they’re going to pass by this prestigious Eagle Honor Circle."

With the move to Kodak, the American Eagle Foundation is building a facility for the future with classroom space, aviary exhibits, interactive elements and more. They will continue to have a presence at Dollywood, but for the first time will also have a public facility welcoming guests and school groups.

"We want people in this community to know American Eagle Foundation, the nation's largest bald eagle sanctuary, education center and rehabilitation hospital, is in their community," Hall said.